Monday, October 29, 2012

Mea 'Kalpa'

There is a place in Himachal, in the valley of Sutlej River, enway to Spiti valley, called 'Recong Peo'. I really don't know why it is named how it is named, but its an interesting name....

As you travel upwards from Recong Peo, at the feet of Kinnaur Kailash snow capped peaks, is a tiny hamlet called 'Kalpa'. And when you enter this place, you pretty much forget everything else.

It's a world of it's own, ironical and beautiful - sleepy livewire people, buddhist hinduism followers, rows of neat emptiness, monateries followed by nagini temple.

The place enthralls, the apple and peach orchards hold you captive. The walks on the narrow lanes with small water streams of pure and ice-cold crytalline waters, gushing out from unsuspecting corners, are all stuff memories are made of.

                                   At a monastery cum School in Rekong Peo (do you notice how big is the Buddha Statue...)
Inegenious ways to go to class. 
 The Kinnaur Kailash
Near the orchards
On the roads
 Buddha looks at me

And thats the main monastery of Kalpa

I am in love with the mountains and this place makes me go - Mea culpa, Kyrie eleison .....Aha!!


Friday, October 12, 2012

Travel - Outside and Inside

I have a confession to make.

When I started writing, I thought of this blog as a place, where I could talk about travels and I could show Miss blogs, the world thru' my lens.

And then as I progressed, I digressed and it's becoming more and more frequent now. And I found that a bit disconcerting.

But then I saw the wisdom- Travel is miles. And sometimes the miles are traversed, as much inside, as they are outside....


Cogito ergo sum, proclaimed Rene Descartes in 1644

Even Plato said something about Knowledge of Knowledge . Aristotle too did not want to be left behind in these deep conversations and said " to be conscious that we are thinking is a proof of the fact that we are conscious".

Now, I have a syllogism to all this - Percipio ergo sum ( on a side note- I am no professor of Latin. But after french it is one language, that I so wish my tongue to roll on to)

Oh boy! Feel, I do. So much, and so much more, sometimes to the point, that I am empty- like today.

And when I am at these points, I see words taking shapes, I get ideas that are thunderbolt MVCXXXV, I feel drained like a hosepipe and full like a tanker, alternating between being thirsty and brimming, I hear stories in my head, I feel like a 15 year old and 75 year young, all together, and then it's madness...

And then when all this is gone, the world seeps into me and I become the world, only to become empty again. And the cycle continues.....