Thursday, October 24, 2013

About us..

Come to think of it, you and I share a weird relationship Ms. blogs. I mean, I don't think of you all that often, but then some days there is this intensity of feelings, and I just wish to pour into you. You are silent and loyal reader. You just let me be. You hear me ramble, you hear me happy and you hear me sad.

You don't demand my time or attention and yet when I wish to come to you, you welcome me in your world. You are special in so many senses.

Very soon, I'll be an year older. I am a birthday person. Always have been. I love birthdays and specially my own. I love being reminded, being wished,  being thought about and I love all the attention that comes with birthdays.

This birthday, however is the first time, I am thinking about time- as an absolute entity. I feel very old when I think of all the wisdom I have seemingly acquired and I feel very young when I look in the mirror or when I think of all that I have to accomplish.

I think this is going to be a special birthday. I feel I am going to turn a cornerstone. Pretty soon, when the trees will shed their leaves, when the winter would be just around the corner and when the nights will start coming in a little earlier than usual, I think something will emerge for me too.

And then as always Ms. Blogs, I'll come to you. Maybe even sooner.

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