Friday, August 31, 2012

The city near the CITY - Aamby Valley

Sahyadri's - 'the benevolent hills', start somewhere on the borders of Gujarat and Maharashtra and extend all the way, to the southern most tip of India. 

Along their length and amidst their environs, are birthed some of the majestic rivers, some of the most scenic cities and towns, some of the most known as well as unknown places in India.

But us humans, being humans, are always trying to explore and most of the times exploit, most of what nature has to offer. Sahyadris, are no exception to the rule. I could go on and on this, and I am not sure how is any of that related to the post that I am writing about.

Actually, it's a dichotomy, at one greedy level, I am happy that this city/town - Aamby Valley exists, because I could experience the quiet and the beauty of Sahyadris, in five star comfort and at another  fundamental level, I feel that somewhere I am an equal and actual partner in this crime against nature. 

The irony of this reminds me of what one of my professors in B-School often said - 'If you can't stop the rape, sit back and enjoy'. 

That apart, the peeps that we all are, could still enjoy the photologue -

                                           Bungalows- Rows and rows of  them

                                                     Beach Volleyball (except that it's no beach)

Of Yachts and speed boats 

                                     These lights that overlook the water body change their color every few minutes and create an interesting sight

                                Some more intelligent use of lights...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Zen like, at the Jain Temples of Ranakpur and Delwara

While growing up I did not think much about God or religion or spirituality, partly because my Parents are quite liberal and allowed us to develop our own sense of connections and inter-connections in this world.

Later on, when I did think about it, I romanticised the idea of 'atheism' , mostly because of certain literary influences.

However, now that I have shed all my Rebel-lisms, I am deeply pulled by all that is mytique, beautiful, divine and transcedental, and it has occured to me that even 'atheism' has 'theism' in it.

The temples of Rankapur and Delwara are all that I just defined. They are work of art beyond compare, beauty beyond words could explain, serene beyond the realms of physicality and I truly sensed divinity when I sat meditating there.

My deepest 'being' felt a sense of connection, an all - encompassing feeling of well-being, resonance with each particle in me and around me. These words are flowing right now, because I sensed all of this whilst there..

I do not have photos of the inside's of these temples , (a) because of certain restrictions that are there in terms of photography (b) I did not feel like clicking any digital photos - these images are imprinted in my mind any which ways.

“Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes -  Alan Watts "

So defying the usual traditions that I have set for this blog, this photologue is simply dedicated to this spirit:


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

By the Lakeside in Udaipur

Long time!

I just returned from a trip to Udaipur and it was absolutely gorgeous.

I have been to Udaipur before, but somehow those trips were not as magical as this one.

The rain gods had touched each corner of the landscape and made it greener, prettier and perkier too.

As for the To-Do's list while in Udaipur, I guess the pictures will speak for themselves -

Pic 1: Endless rows of such displays dotted the tiny streets that surround Lake Pichola

                                    Pic2 : The Bandhejs, Lahariyas and the mirror work

Pic 3: Puppets, stories, crafts - all things that make me gooey

                                     Pic 4: The way to Jagdish Mandir
                                      Pic 5: A store selling items from sculptures to tie and dye bedsheets

                                     Pic 6: The bright hued turbans being tried on by my baby
                                    Pic 7: The Lehenga skirts

                                 Pic 8: Udaipur's skyline
                       Pic 9: Lake Palace - you have to stay there once, to experience  luxury and  nature in perfect harmony
                                   Pic 10: Lake Palace during day  time

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Panchgani- The Strawberry town

It's late or rather very early, depending upon whether I choose to see it as the closure of a day or the beginning of another.

Have had a busy day and have just finished watching 'Gangs of Wasseypur II'. The song/poem 'Ik Bagal mein chand hoga, ik bagal mein rotiyan' is still playing out, in the recesses of my mind.

The bed is calling me and yet I am writing. Why? Seduction of the words..

It is monsoon time and Mumbai is heavenly during monsoons. The world might disagree, but I have the heart of a poet.

Anyways this is not a post about Mumbai, but rather about the tiny little 'strawberry town' in the neighbourhood- Panchgani.

And now the photologue. Quick and simple.

Btw, it is a trip that happened 2 years back.The photo quality might hence not be the greatest..


                                          It was raining on and off and it was pretty

                                                            The Drive

At Mapro

                                                                 The tiny one

 The court

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ladakh - Body, Mind and soul connection..

So what new does one write about a place, whose each and every corner, has been canvassed by travellers like me, before?

But then the beauty of this place is that it becomes, what you wish to see in it. And so Ladakh for me was sometimes awe inspiring, at others a vast barren land, at yet others - a place where one could sit back and wonder about all the existential coincidences and dramas, in complete and total seclusion from the rest of the world. Mostly it was magical...

Before we begin with any of this, let me share one thing - It's impossible to not photograph this place well. It's so astoundingly expansive, clean, and beautiful that you need to be an exceptionally bad photographer, to not get it right here.

So I will tell you the sequence of events of my first two days at Ladakh to give you an idea of the note the trip began on- 

1) Day 1(Part 1) : Land in Leh.

2) Day 1 (Part 2): A really good looking, flawless english speaking driver (a former investment banker, who's quit it all, and settled in ladakh and handles travellers like us to earn his living) drops us at the ''Grand Dragon' hotel

3) Day 1 (Part 3): Madamoiselle me was jumping around the hotel and exclaiming 'how pretty, how pretty', while looking at the Himalayas, when suddenly just 5 minutes later, I discover that for some weird reason I have collapsed and landed straight on the ground with a huge thud. 

Discovery of the day: less oxygen does not agree with mel...

4) Rest of Day 1 and day 2: Sleep, get up, drink water, pee. Repeat ... 

So let's back to the usuals. As to what to do when in Ladakh :

a) Eat: So apart from the Momos on the streets and the maggi noodles that we had so often while in Ladakh, as far the eat outs go, two places absolutely stand out:

   - La Pizzeria- Such a nice garden restaurant ambience. Totally loved it

   - Elements- Well! they had me at the menu. It is one of the most interesting menu cards, I have held in my hand. The menu started with a story of how the restaurant came into being and well written things often do it for me. To add to that, the food, ah! the food was so amazing. Really simple and really well done..

b) Pray: 

So there's Shanti Stupa, and Shanti is one thing you would feel, when there..

Then there are so many tiny little monastries that dot the place and they are all really really nice

c) Love: 
- For one, you could love your partner more, given that pretty, picture postcard places, often have that effect:)

                                               Facts and hard facts!


                                                    The Monastery's gatekeeper
                                                             Zanskar River
                                                    A lake enway to Tsomiriri

Of Mountains and more

The Flag and the flutter

                                                             @Shanti Stupa
                                                        The 'Changspa' People

                                                         More of Tsomoriri

                                                       Can you the see the play of the shades?
                                                            The child and his home

                                                        The 'cycling' people
                                                       Flags and Flutter

                                                             Oneness with  Buddha

                                                              A Monastery
                                                                @ Nubra Valley


                                                 And those are Apricot trees

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The this and the that..

I exist in the between 
 I am both - the this and the that
   The nice and the brat
      The have and the had

      I am something and I am nothing
        The tigress on the prowl
         The tamed lioness that you see scowl
            For I exist in the between
              I am both - the this and the that

                 The loud think and the dullness of the thunk
                     The scavenger and the creator
                         The deity and the destroyer
                             Which to believe and which to discard
                               For I exist in the between
                                   I am both- the this and the that
(by the way I am also mad:). You do know that Miss Blog!Now don't ya!)