Friday, August 31, 2012

The city near the CITY - Aamby Valley

Sahyadri's - 'the benevolent hills', start somewhere on the borders of Gujarat and Maharashtra and extend all the way, to the southern most tip of India. 

Along their length and amidst their environs, are birthed some of the majestic rivers, some of the most scenic cities and towns, some of the most known as well as unknown places in India.

But us humans, being humans, are always trying to explore and most of the times exploit, most of what nature has to offer. Sahyadris, are no exception to the rule. I could go on and on this, and I am not sure how is any of that related to the post that I am writing about.

Actually, it's a dichotomy, at one greedy level, I am happy that this city/town - Aamby Valley exists, because I could experience the quiet and the beauty of Sahyadris, in five star comfort and at another  fundamental level, I feel that somewhere I am an equal and actual partner in this crime against nature. 

The irony of this reminds me of what one of my professors in B-School often said - 'If you can't stop the rape, sit back and enjoy'. 

That apart, the peeps that we all are, could still enjoy the photologue -

                                           Bungalows- Rows and rows of  them

                                                     Beach Volleyball (except that it's no beach)

Of Yachts and speed boats 

                                     These lights that overlook the water body change their color every few minutes and create an interesting sight

                                Some more intelligent use of lights...

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